The desktop’s back. Hallelujah! $300 later, I can confidently tell you that only a fool tries to make the Knievel-esque jump from Intel to AMD hardware without the assistance of a pricey tech-nerd sherpa. The nice thing is, the machine runs a lot more smoothly now.

The music drive is in the capable hands of my buddy Gene, who has saved my data bacon on at least one previous occasion. I have endless faith in Gene. If he can do it, I want all of us to chip in together and get him something nice. Given that I estimate the value of the music on this particular drive at around $20,000, I can’t compensate him anywhere near appropriately, but still. It’s the thought that counts.

If Gene can’t do it, our friend Jason has recommended DriveSavers (quote: “They rescue computers from the bottom of the fucking ocean”), who have given me a $500-$2700 price window for the job (!!!).

Go Gene!

So I’m out a bunch of music and some money besides:what this means for the blog is that updates might get a little choppy for the next little while. Oh, and did I mention that we’re moving cross-country at the end of the month? I had planned on writing a bunch of stuff ahead of time, but I kind of doubt I’ll be able to now.

What I do have Á¢€” and it will run on Tuesday, unless I get my music back first Á¢€” is Eric’s Complete Idiot’s Guide to Elliott Smith. I hope to have some other stuff for you too, but I can at least promise an Idiot’s Guide for Tuesday. Cross yer fingers!

About the Author

Jeff Giles

Jeff Giles is the founder and editor-in-chief of Popdose and Dadnabbit, as well as an entertainment writer whose work can be seen at Rotten Tomatoes and a number of other sites. Hey, why not follow him at Twitter while you're at it?

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