Ready for some more crackpot science from yours truly? No? Too bad.

Dark energy is the final distillation of matter, and it is causing the universal expansion, not contraction as so many theorists predicted.  They were aghast at the thought that perhaps the universe would become so large, spread out, and overblown that there would be a day when the Milky Way galaxy would sit out alone with no other stars to shine their light back at us…we would become the fly floating in the inky black soup. This is possible, but I’m suspicious — and I’m getting ahead of myself.

Black holes, the ruptures in the ”skin” of spacetime, are the conduit or, more figuratively, the food processor that takes in all material and processes it down to its basic components, devoid of form or function. It is generally assumed it is a vortex in space that tears everything down and sucks everything in with such immense force that not even light can escape. Until a probe with the data collecting and transmitting power to sustain such brute force, and subsequently report that data before being pulled apart on a quantum level (essentially, tearing apart the very atoms that make stuff ”stuff”) can be devised, we won’t really know what happens. I have a suspicion that a black hole’s sucking power is vastly overrated.

Instead, the dark matter outside of the spacetime ”soap bubble“ skin is pushing inward, shoving matter down into the grinder that is the black hole, to be converted into the dark energy inside the universal bubble. The universal expansion continues as it must because everything is getting stretched out, bloated, an obese universe as it were.

On top of all that, theorists say the stretching will continue long after the galactic lights out,’ to the extent that the fabric of all that is will itself come undone, as stars, planets, light itself shears apart into its quantum components. Like any soap bubble that grows too big and collapses, that’s a real possibility. That collapse is seen in the now, to a degree, in supernovae, the ”death of a star” that creates black holes. Thus you can see a lifecycle emerging. Stars collapse from instabilities, creating supernova events, creating black holes which are force fed the material surrounding it. That material is ”ingested” and becomes dark energy (because as we have learned from Ninth Grade Science class, energy doesn’t die; it transforms), filling the internal pocket of the soap bubble universe, making it bigger, enabling further expansion and stretching. This makes the spacetime skin ever thinner, ever more unstable, spurring on more supernovae, more black holes, fatter pockets of dark energy, and so forth.

A supporting idea around this includes the warping of time in the post-event horizon of the black hole, the event horizon being the closest a material can get before being shoved in. This distortion, if proven, directly confirms the spacetime skin as a real thing and not just an analogy, with the black hole now a wound in that skin ingesting matter, light, and time itself. Years fly by in the rest of the universe as only minutes tick by on that precarious ring. With the skin proven to be a factual construct we can sympathize with what happens when something gets wider, stretched out, bloated beyond its inherent capacities. We’re talking now about lesions.

As for my thought that external dark matter pushes down into a black hole, rather than the black hole having the gravitational magnitude to suck things in, this bounces off of Einstein’s Cosmological Constant. Dark matter is the counterbalance that keeps dark energy from gorging on itself, becoming morbidly obese, ballooning out and popping instantly. It is the barrier that holds universal expansion in relative check, for while it is still growing bigger, it does so incrementally. While the expansion is gaining speed, it is like time lapse photography of a soap bubble expanding and exploding versus the real-time event, which happens so fast you barely see it happening. The only problem is that, where once dark matter was the see to dark energy’s saw, a fairly steady counterweight, now it is complicit. The more black holes are formed, the more dark matter feeds into it, the bigger the insides get and the faster the expansion becomes.

Of course, I could be all wrong about this too. As you would note from my last crackpot dissertation, I proposed that the expansion was mostly residual cast-out from the big bang, with the force of such a large ”explosion” sending the universal shrapnel ever farther out. I’m more convinced now that there is a more recognizable self-destructive loop at play here; that the universe both within and outside of itself, is feeding itself to death, until it bursts.

And to conclude on that cheery note, here are some singing kittens.

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About the Author

Dw. Dunphy

Dw. Dunphy is a writer, artist, and musician. For Popdose he has contributed many articles that can be found in the site's archives. He also writes for New Jersey Stage,, Ultimate Classic Rock, and Diffuser FM. His music can be found at

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