Our pals at MusicHelpWeb issue their monthly dispatch from the industry front lines;

Jeff Giles helps Rotten Tomatoes count down Clint Eastwood’s 10 best-reviewed directorial efforts;

Springsteen cancels his annual Halloween display, but makes up for it with a “little musical Halloween treat” for everyone;

Something Else! reviews Sonny Rollins’ Road Shows Vol. 1 and In Vienne;

Funky16Corners mourns the passing of Merl Saunders;

Talking Points Memo compiles a helpful state-by-state guide to the GOP’s 2008 voter suppression efforts;

AM, Then FM digs some classic Dionne Warwick out of the vinyl crates;

Topless Robot lists the 10 most bizarre and terrible Halloween TV specials;

Today’s the perfect day to acquaint yourself with the Zombie Hunters;

The San Francisco Chronicle interviews Haruki Murakami;

Lawrence Lessig releases his new book, Remix: Making Art and Commerce Thrive in the Hybrid Economy;

Jeff Vrabel explores the wondrous mystery of Cholla, the magical painting horse from Reno;

Utne offers a political reading list for the campaign’s last days;

ABC — getting the family back together for a cash-in reunion tour is as easy as 123…unless it isn’t after all;

…And Michael McDonald wishes you a very happy Halloween (trickin’ it to the treats!)

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Popdose Staff

Some days won't end ever, and some days pass on by. We'll be working here forever, at least until we die. Working for a living, living and working, taking what they're giving 'cause we're working for a living.

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