How can you miss with a title like Songs About Cars, Space and The Ramones? You can’t, especially if you’re Drivin’ N’ Cryin’ – who are back, yet again, with another new mini-album in less than a year. It’s the kind of music we used to sit around, chain smoke Marlboros and drink Rolling Rock longnecks to – then we’d pick up our guitars and play the same kind of loud, fast punk rock. A veteran like Kevn Kinney still knows how to do it and do it right. “Hot Wheels” kicks things off with an infectious, sing-song song, melodic blast. “Acceleration” undoubtedly takes its cues from The Ramones and chugs along in that ’77 style – breakneck pace, punk standard; in a word, instant classic. “Moonshot” is a cross (to these ears) between Motorhead and Bad Brains! “Out There In The Middle Of Nowhere” is the standout – a rock gem that says to me The Dead Boys, but even better and “Space Eyes” is a three-chord blast of fury right to your skull. This is unapologetic, no-frills, no bullshit, straight ahead punk. Good to see Drivin’ N’ Cryin’ still doing their thing as well as they ever have.
