Watch a short film drawn entirely with Sharpie markers and animated on a Mac mini.
Dw. Dunphy
924 Articles
Dw. Dunphy is a writer, artist, and musician. For Popdose he has contributed many articles that can be found in the site's archives. He also writes for New Jersey Stage,, Ultimate Classic Rock, and Diffuser FM. His music can be found at
Does Taylor Swift’s song have the same weight as Gloria Gaynor’s?
An album you know by heart in a way you’ve never heard before.
Former New York Mayor Ed Koch died early Friday morning, February 1, at the age of 88.
I am a writer for…and I’m in a band!
Free Energy’s latest is unpretentious, and every now and then that’s all you need.
Popdose recalls a holiday classic and has the soundtrack as well.
Taking it back to where the legend began, Epic makes a Legacy of Texas Flood.
Beki Hemingway rocks. No, seriously. She rocks, as in “rocks.”
Box sets! Limited editions! Reunions! Oh my!
A music reviewer learns a valuable lesson in not being a hypocrite.
Don’t know Brainiac? That was as much a problem in the ’90s as it is now.
Updated Sunday 8:37 PM – Popdose welcomes your eyewitness accounts as the East Coast, verging on central U.S., prepares for a literal Storm Of The Century.