So, as I may have mentioned before, I picked up a copy of Richard Clarke’s Against All Enemies a couple of weeks ago. I did this out of annoyance, mainly–it…
Current Events
To paraphrase Yogi Berra, if Sam Walton were alive today, he’d be spinning in his grave. He tried to instill a small-town retailing ethic in his company. Snake eyes on…
“I have some reservations with the FCC going after performers.” These are the words ofÁ¢€”holy fuck!Á¢€”FCC overlord, nepotism beneficiary, and Spongebob Squarepants fanboy Michael Powell, in reference to legislation currently…
BUSH: Let me ask you a couple of questions. Who is the AP person? A: I am. BUSH: You are? A: Sir, in regard to Á¢€” BUSH: Who are you…
“Unfortunately, the American people don’t know much about the progress being made Á¢€” because the media has focused on the difficulty and challenges, not the successes.” So says Donald Rumsfeld,…
Another day, another allegation of bumbling incompetence against the Bush administration: Former FBI translator Sibel Edmonds says senior officials knew a terrorist attack against the United StatesÁ¢€”using airplanes, no lessÁ¢€”was…