In preparation for the Man Of Steel, let’s look back at the Hunk Of Junk.
I’m not sure Now You See Me is a real movie—I’m pretty sure it’s part of the massive viral marketing campaign for last weekend’s huge Arrested Development revival. Evidence: it…
As Return of the Jedi turns 30, Revival House takes a look back at the conclusion to the original Star Wars trilogy.
Programming note: this week’s ”10 Movies” column was written/dictated by a discerning expert who knows and appreciates race-car cinema far more than I: my four-year-old nephew, Jaden. [youtube id=”nJRDOWOhoHA” width=”600″…
There’s an old man on a spaceship. He’s cheated death, tricked his way out of death, and patted himself on the back for his ingenuity. He never loses. He’s facing…
I was first introduced to the poetry of Steven Jesse Bernstein back in 1993, through my then-roommate, who owned Bernstein’s Prison CD. It captivated me with its beat-era sound and the…
Since storming the charts in 1967 with the remarkable “The Rain, the Park and Other Things,” the Cowsills have been oft-overlooked in the annals of rock history, dismissed as nothing…
“Don’t they understand what they had, and what message you’re sending by changing it?”
A new Blu-ray/DVD column kicks off with a vintage favorite.
In space, no one can hear you scream. On the Nostromo, you can hear almost everything. Alien is a masterpiece of sound design. Every second is dominated by a dense,…
The other day on the Popdose email thread, as one is wont to do, we started spouting off old cop movie cliches for some reason—”I don’t play by the rules!”…
Proof positive that Hollywood had no idea how to turn a TV show into a movie during the ’90s
Perfect for fans as well as the uninitiated, the new Big Star documentary is a long-overdue testament to the band’s greatness
Summer movies usually demand a great suspension of disbelief. They’re heavy on special effects and deal with outlandish situations, whether superheroes and sci-fi or wacky gross-out extreme comedy. There is,…
Mel Brooks: Make A Noise — Don’t be schtupidt, be a schmarty!
I haven’t seen The Great Gatsby yet, but I can tell already that it just doesn’t add up. The production seems to have missed the point—it’s not about the glitz…
Drunk naked lady ventures into water after dark. Shark eats drunk naked lady. Resort town goes nuts. Police chief, oceanographer, and batshit crazy fisherman go after shark. They’re gonna need…
Downey headlines this week’s Iron Man 3, his fourth outing as the billionaire Robocop. He’s one of the biggest stars in the world and one of our most universally liked…
Quentin Tarantino’s western is a resounding piece of great cinema.
Kon-Tiki hits American theaters this week, months after it was nominated for the Best Foreign Film Oscar. It’s a narrative retelling of Kon-Tiki, the 1951 Academy-Award winning documentary directed by…
If you find yourself wishing they made movies like John Hughes did back in the day, I highly recommend The First Time.
In which we look at once common curiosities of pop culture that don’t exist anymore, be it because of changing tastes, the fragmentation of culture, or merely the fickle nature…
Lots of musicians decide they are famous and attractive enough to act, but it takes a special kind of hubris to take a break from making music to direct a…
Mark Wahlberg and Russell Crowe square off in BROKEN CITY.