Featuring David Bowie, Pugwash, Fine Young Cannibals, Robbie Williams, and more
You should know, it pained me to shut the show down four episodes away from Show #100. I WAS SO CLOSE.
And then it took another year after moving before I was properly motivated. Well, that’s not entirely true. Getting used to the new routines, the kids going to different high schools, it was a LOT of change. I basically sacrificed my time to be available for them. And I think it was the right move at the time.
But that time is over.
After a while, I was ready to start it back up. And now my youngest is only a month away from getting her driver’s license. I’m so close to retiring from my part-time job as a chauffeur that I can taste it. I only hope that with more free time comes more good show ideas.
Speaking of which, this show is a callback to a column we did in ye olden days. There is no doubt that I play several songs here that were highlighted in those columns (I definitely lifted several from the one that I wrote), but I don’t know that for a fact – I was too scared to look. I didn’t want to be accused of peeking at someone else’s test.
Boom! There’s a cannon for the first hundred shows. Boom! There’s a cannon for the next. That’s a hint about one of the other songs in the show, by the way. Different song, but same album.
Thank you, as always, for listening.