Features The Human League, Le Flex, Howard Jones, Climie Fisher, The Pixies, and more

Lots of songs, oodles and bunches and tons of songs to choose from when the subject is love. Too many, really, which means that I have almost certainly not played any of the first five songs that popped into your head just now. But maybe there’s something here that you will enjoy anyway.

Let it not be said that I am not the master of the sales pitch. “Yeah, you might like this, I dunno, whatever.”

Thank you, as always, for listening anyway.

About the Author

David Medsker

David Medsker used to be "with it." But then they changed what "it" was. Now what he's "with" isn't "it," and what's "it" seems weird and scary to him. He is available for children's parties.

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