The second season of Spectacle: Elvis Costello With … is upon us. Year two of the acclaimed Sundance Channel music series debuted last week with Elvis welcoming Bono and The Edge. This week’s installment, premiering on December 16, will feature an all-star cast of songwriters, including Sheryl Crow, Jesse Winchester, Neko Case, and Ron Sexsmith. Future guests for this season include Levon Helm, and Bruce Springsteen.
This being the holiday season and all, we are happy to give our loyal readers an opportunity to win a Spectacle prize pack. The winner will get all of the items depicted in the photograph and a copy of Spectacle Season One on DVD. To win this great prize pack, all you need to do is send an e-mail to with the correct answer to the following question:
Elvis Costello’s guests on season one of Spectacle included the duo known as She & Him. One half of this duo is songwriter M. Ward. What well known actress completes the pair?
The deadline for entries is Friday, December 18, at 5:00 p.m. est. At that time I will choose a winner at random from all the correct entries.
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