This one’s for the ladies. And the men who enjoy dressing up like ladies.

Popdose isn’t judging one way or the other, of course, unless you’re dressing up like a lady to advance your acting career, because there’s nothing sexy about that. Funny? Yes. Oscar-worthy? Ooh, girl! But sexy? No, baby. No.

After eight long years of pondering what the title of his next album would be, R&B star Maxwell returned to the charts in July with BLACKsummers’night, the first in a planned trilogy, with blackSUMMERS’night set to debut next year and blacksummers’NIGHT to follow in 2011.

He also returned to the road this SUMMER, performing concerts at NIGHT and probably even dressing in BLACK at some of them. If you live in the Boston area, and you enjoy Maxwell’s music as much as you enjoy capital letters, then Popdose has a contest for YOU!

On Wednesday, September 2, the soulful crooner is performing at Boston’s House of Blues as part of the Samsung AT&T Summer Krush concert series. Maxwell wants to spend a temporary nite with you, girl!

All you need to do to win two free Priority Access tickets is answer the following trivia question: What’s Maxwell’s connection to English singer Kate Bush?

To enter, e-mail Jason Hare with your answer, but please, baby, don’t break his heart and enter the contest unless you can attend the show, which should let out before the cops come knockin’. We’ll choose a winner this Saturday, August 29.

Click below to find out more about the Summer Krush series!

About the Author

Robert Cass

Robert Cass lives in Chicago. For Popdose he's written under the Sugar Water, Bootleg City, and Box Office Flashback banners and collaborated on the series 'Face Time with Jeff Giles and Mike Heyliger.

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