Radio City With Jon Grayson & Rob Ross: Episode One Hundred Fifty Six
In a world spinning completely out of control, Rob and Jon immediately bounce back from the seriousness of 155 with a much more measured, relaxed and positivity-driven show. Most saliently, Episode 156 officially marks 3 full years’ worth of Radio City… – this podcast began in February 2017 and have now reached another milestone!
While things haven’t returned to calm, the boys veer away from the now-hollow egg of destruction masked as protests and look at the un-constructive panderings of politicians to put a salve on an already open wound; the foolishness of making proclamations that are meritless when you don’t have a clear set of plans or alternatives; the bombast of New York City’s mayor not wanting his daughter’s mugshot on social media after her arrest for looting during a “protest”. Irresponsible reporting trickles even to music as a beloved Los Angeles music venue gets a premature obituary, while a legendary record store in New York shutters its doors quietly forever after 60-plus years; the insanity of Warner Bros. cartoons “removing” guns from characters’ storylines; the annual reappraisal/revisitation to R.E.M.’s Fables Of The Reconstruction on the 35th anniversary of its release; a warm and thoughtful chat on how to regain one’s sense of balance and clarity after the last few weeks (and subsequently months), a different twist on “In Our Heads” and, as always, so much more…
This is a show to help you breathe and think clearly again – and Jon and Rob take you to where you want and need to be. So sit back, relax and allow yourself to be re-focused with Radio City…
The podcast will be on the site as well as for subscription via iTunes and other podcast aggregators. Subscribe and let people know about Radio City, as well as Popdose’s other great podcasts David Medsker’s Dizzy Heights and In:Sound with Michael Parr and Zack Stiegler.