Radio City With Jon Grayson & Rob Ross:  Episode One Hundred Sixty Five

While many have become unsettled by the pandemic, Jon and Rob stay the course and bring you yet another interesting and thoughtful episode of Radio City…  Listen in as they run the gamut of New York’s systematic unraveling at the hands of the mayor, who Tweets with the alarming frequency and equal disconnect of Donald Trump; Walter Lure, the last of the original Heartbreakers passes away at 71; two of the New York Mets personnel are diagnosed with COVID-19 and play stops for the team; ex-Met Matt Harvey returns to baseball with the Kansas City Royals and is greeted rudely; more retail closings and a very different and fun “In Our Heads”.

Yes, Rob and Jon know they have a responsibility to bring it to you straight, but at the same time, with heart and humor.  So let them lighten the load for at least a little while…

Radio City With Jon Grayson & Rob Ross:  Episode One Hundred Sixty Five

The podcast will be on the site as well as for subscription via iTunes and other podcast aggregators. Subscribe and let people know about Radio City, as well as Popdose’s other great podcasts David Medsker’s Dizzy Heights and In:Sound with Michael Parr and Zack Stiegler.

About the Author

Rob Ross

Rob Ross has been, for good, bad or indifferent, involved in the music industry for over 30 years - first as guitarist/singer/songwriter with The Punch Line, then as freelance journalist, producer and manager to working for independent and major record labels. He resides in Staten Island, New York with his wife and cats; he works out a lot, reads voraciously, loves Big Star and his orange Gretsch. Doesn't that make him neat?

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