The cello weeps and sows and soars, and so it goes with Randall Holt and his Inside The Kingdom of Splendor and Madness, which gets the CD/cassette re-release treatment April…
5 Articles
Justin Vellucci
1 Min Read
The songs are sparse exercises in stoicism at times, but — like most Loscil recordings, it seems — there’s a lot percolating beneath the surface. Perhaps less than usual —…
Justin Vellucci
2 Min Read
It starts with the guitar and the guitar alone, amplified slightly but not distorted, its complicated figures as crystalline as frosted glass. It advances, carefully, with the occasional pitter-patter of…
Justin Vellucci
13 Min Read
Regarding Chuck Mosley, the voice of Faith No More’s “We Care A Lot” and “Introduce Yourself.”
Rob Smith
12 Min Read
Rob Smith wakes up from a long, propofol-induced slumber to discuss some fine 2016 music in “The Vinyl Diaries.”
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