Rian Johnson gave fans more than another seething fighter with a war boner and a snazzy costume.
Akira Kurosawa
4 Articles
Jack Feerick
2 Min Read
For almost 80 years, Kirkus Reviews has served as the industry bible for bookstore buyers, librarians, and ordinary readers alike. Now Popdose joins the Kirkus Book Bloggers Network to explore…
Bob Cashill
1 Min Read
Few genres are as absorbent as film noir. Science fiction (Blade Runner), horror (Seven), and high school movies (Brick) have soaked up the world-weary, hard-boiled attitudes and atmospherics of Double…
Bob Cashill
2 Min Read
Godzilla doesnÁ¢€â„¢t turn up anywhere in the three-film Icons of Sci-Fi: Toho Collection, but the movies are so terrifically entertaining heÁ¢€â„¢s hardly missed. Godzilla and friends stomped across my childhood…
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