Are moments like Beatles on Sullivan, The Elvis Comeback, Moonwalk on Motown and the Smells Like Teen Spirit music video doomed? Here’s some random speculation as to why that may be so.
Brill Building
4 Articles
Popdose Staff
3 Min Read
And just like that, 1963 is in our rear-view mirrors. But before we speed ahead to ’64 let’s fire up the old transistor radio and check out the final group of tunes from 1963.
Popdose Staff
2 Min Read
Our look at AM Gold’s 1963 entry tackles five very different tunes – from folk to soul to country.
Popdose Staff
1 Min Read
Popdose breaks down the first five songs from Time-Life Music’s AM Gold: 1962 compilation album, and takes time to enjoy a classic 1980s Dom DeLuise commercial.
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