Classic rock — and those who love them — get covered with reviews of Aisles, Bubble Gum Orchestra, The Beach Boys, Journey, Toto, Mecca, and Meat Loaf.
Bubble Gum Orchestra
5 Articles
Dw. Dunphy
6 Min Read
IPO produces yet another intriguing, packed Various Artists collection, and yet the set causes the reviewer a case of “feels.”
Dw. Dunphy
4 Min Read
Labels would have you believe nothing comes out in the summer except the big “Summer Jam”. Here are some releases proving that false.
Dw. Dunphy
3 Min Read
Michael Laine Hildebrandt discusses his song “Loving One Another.”
Popdose Staff
3 Min Read
Bubble Gum Orchestra’s Michael Laine Hildebrandt recounts the power pop and rock albums that inspired him.
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