Sub Pop Records recently reissued Jeremy Enigk’s Return of the Frog Queen, a circa-96 solo debut whose first printing remains, justifiably, a much-sought-after cult classic. It also has become, over…
chamber pop
5 Articles
Rob Ross
1 Min Read
Once again, Australian pop master Wade Jackson returns with a brand new album and a different direction. Nearly two years after his shimmering pop masterpiece, Whiskey Alpha Delta Echo, he…
Rob Ross
2 Min Read
Sometimes you don’t need hyperbole or over-analysis to sum up an album. This new album from Seth Swirsky, a 30-plus year veteran of MANY elements in the music industry, Circles…
Rob Ross
1 Min Read
These Massachusetts based visionaries have created a compelling and expansive sound that is sure to broaden their fanbase. Their interesting past and present day gigs (record producer, session musician, public…
Chris Holmes
4 Min Read
Let’s take a look back at the 10 finest moments from XTC’s catalog as written by Colin Moulding.
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