Three great, very different recordings reviewed, and thoughts about why Americana is over (for me).
Deep Purple
Veteran rockers Night Ranger might be celebrating their 31st year as a band, but that doesn’t mean that they’re slowing things down one bit. The band just released their 11th studio…
The gang celebrate their 25th episode with a visit from a guitar legend.
Put your headphones on and your cares away, and come back with us once again to the world of Time-Life’s “AM Gold” — 1963 style!
He’s gone sailing, ridden like the wind, and been caught between the moon and New York City. Now, Christopher Cross is back with a new album: “Doctor Faith.”
Chris Holmes offers up this week’s Popdose mixtape, featuring some of his favorite old-school heavy metal tracks of all-time. Raise those devil horns!
If you’re new to this series, we’re taking an alphabetical look at the rock and modern rock charts from the ’80s, touching base on all songs that failed to cross…
We, at the site, really do strive to bring the coolest stuff possible to the readers and I think you’d agree our commitment pays off. But sometimes things float through…
November 1974, St. Paul, Minnesota Á¢€” In the fall of 1974, Creem magazine flew me out to the Twin Cities to interview Ritchie Blackmore. There had been a renewed interest…
Last weekÁ¢€â„¢s E.G. Daily track reminded me of bar trivia with my buddies, so I thought IÁ¢€â„¢d expand that into an intro. For a good three years, Wednesday was the…