Welcome again to our annual cavalcade of music and songs from the ass-end of the class divide, the anthems and laments of the world’s working men and women, those who…
how can the poor man stand such times and live
5 Articles
Jack Feerick
3 Min Read
Welcome once again to our annual revue of hard-hitting songs for the hard-hit people on the wrong side of the class divide — the laborers, the men and women who…
Jack Feerick
4 Min Read
Welcome once again to the Popdose Labor Day Mixtape, our annual curated playlist of music and songs about work, economics, and the dubious joys to be found in the Hobbesian…
Jack Feerick
7 Min Read
Welcome to the annual Labor Day mix, where we kick back, listen to some tunes about economics and labor, and consider the situation of the American worker. The story is…
1 Comment
Jack Feerick
15 Min Read
It’s a holiday tradition; the low murmur of the stereo in the corner of the kitchen, filling the house with the sounds of Yuletide cheer. And in our house that…
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