This frown is orientated just right.
Jonathan Coulton
6 Articles
Dw. Dunphy
11 Min Read
Coulton’s latest, Solid State, explores the promise of the interconnected world, and how people still mess it up.
Ted Asregadoo
1 Min Read
Oh my effing giddy aunt! The zombies are coming, and there’s nothing you can do about it. But you can get prepared now with this week’s Mix Six.
Ted Asregadoo
4 Min Read
DOWNLOAD THE FULL MIX HERE If video killed the radio star, then video games killed any stragglers that were left. Now that the kids are finding most of their music…
Jeff Johnson
1 Min Read
25 years after Revenge of the Nerds, some of pop culture’s preeminent geeks have banded together to bring us the traveling celebration known as w00tstock. Jeff Johnson has been there, and he’s here to tell us all about it.
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