When “Woman’s World,” the first single from Katy Perry’s latest album arrived, it did so with great confusion, general disdain, and a side of indifference from its target audience. There…
I can rarely predict where a column about music is going to raise my ire next. I’ve all-but stopped reading Lefsetz recently in the name of self-preservation, and on those…
Are moments like Beatles on Sullivan, The Elvis Comeback, Moonwalk on Motown and the Smells Like Teen Spirit music video doomed? Here’s some random speculation as to why that may be so.
A new series in which we look at once common curiosities of pop culture that don’t exist anymore, be it because of changing tastes, the fragmentation of culture, or merely…
Alice Cooper returns to the rock and roll insane asylum…or does he? Popdose investigates.
2010 was a difficult year for music, despite there being so much of it to choose from. Some high profile albums made no mark on me, while some that crept…
DOWNLOAD THE FULL MIX HERE You’ve heard the ads, you’ve probably marked your calendar, gone to school orientations, bought clothes, supplies, and all the other crap associated with back to…