The 5th Dimension had one of their biggest hits with a Bacharach-David classic
Marilyn McCoo
8 Articles
Popdose Staff
8 Min Read
Say what you want about the cultural phenomenon that was Star Wars, but boy could you dance to its theme song.
Popdose Staff
8 Min Read
Wait, is that Neil Diamond on this week’s AM Gold? Nope, it’s just Gallery.
Popdose Staff
11 Min Read
And just like that, the first chapter of AM Gold in the 1970s is over.
Ken Shane
1 Min Read
The Four Tops smash “Bernadette” was just one of the hundreds of Motown hits that featured the bass playing of the legendary James Jamerson.
Popdose Staff
8 Min Read
The third installment of our look at “AM Gold: 1969” is a grim one indeed. We can only imagine what it was like to hear these songs all the time back then.
Ken Shane
1 Min Read
The 5th Dimension had their first hit with Jimmy Webb’s “Up, Up, and Away.” When the time came for their second album, they turned to Webb again. The rest is pop history.
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