By the early 80s Robert Altman was at an impasse in Hollywood. The success of MASH (1970) and Nashville (1975) was mitigated by numerous critical and/or financial flops, including Quintet…
As the decade draws to a close, the Popdose staff looks back at its favorite films of the last 10 years.
Michael MooreÁ¢€â„¢s latest, Capitalism: A Love Story, opens around the country today, and if the early reviews are any indication, itÁ¢€â„¢s yet another cleverly executed and scathing reminder of how…
Writer/director David Mamet and co-star William H. Macy have a good time reminiscing on the commentary track that accompanies the Criterion Collection edition of Homicide (1991). This Á¢€Å“cop movie that…
Few genres are as absorbent as film noir. Science fiction (Blade Runner), horror (Seven), and high school movies (Brick) have soaked up the world-weary, hard-boiled attitudes and atmospherics of Double…
Bob Cashill helps bring Beatles Week to its spine-tingling conclusion with a look at the Fab Four at the movies — after they broke up, of course. Give our regards to Broad Street, would you?
Has it already been a year since Kelly Stitzel joined the Popdose staff? It has indeed — and she’s assembled a special anniversary Soundtrack Saturday column to celebrate.
I should cut Whit Stillman some slack. He got his start as a feature filmmaker at age 38 with the acclaimed Metropolitan (1990)Á¢€”the right time to look backwards with a…
Godzilla doesnÁ¢€â„¢t turn up anywhere in the three-film Icons of Sci-Fi: Toho Collection, but the movies are so terrifically entertaining heÁ¢€â„¢s hardly missed. Godzilla and friends stomped across my childhood…
Watchmen (2009, Warner Bros.) purchase from Amazon: DVD | Blu-ray Others may have summarized Watchmen more eloquently, but my friend and colleague David Medsker struck right at the essence of…
Jeff Johnson is back to collect your tickets for another week of Revival House, and a discussion of nine great films you’ve probably never seen.
The Hurt Locker does the impossible: It single-handedly redeems the mostly misbegotten run of Á¢€Å“sandÁ¢€ films, those war-on-terror features connected to Iraq and Afghanistan, a genre about as useless and…
When you think about it, there’s no earthly reason why movies based on video games should, as a class, be so atrocious. For one thing, the games themselves are largely…
My list of favorite comics-inspired movies would include the first two Superman films, the first two X-Men, Batman Returns, Spider-Man 2, Ghost World, the 1980 Flash Gordon, and Last Year…
Á¢€Å“The Man Behind the Magic,Á¢€ the title of the mainstage extra within this five-film set of movies the genial two-time Oscar winner made for Columbia Pictures from 1954-1964, tells you…
The new Disney/Pixar collaboration,Á‚ Up, has just opened to some of the best reviews the studio’s ever received. While it’s a very enjoyable film, I have to say it certainly isn’t…
Hollywood’s summer crop is almost ready for market, and Lance Berry’s made a list of 10 blockbusters he may (or may not) remember fondly come fall.
If you read this column last week, you might think from reading the headline that I’ve decided to only discuss the economic situation. In truth, I’m not referencing the “big…
Last week, Lance Berry brought word of a death in the DVD rental market. Today, I write of a renaissance in the sales market, at least for Á¢€Å“catalogÁ¢€ buyers like…
Quantum of Solace (2009, MGM/Fox) purchase this film from Amazon: DVD | Blu-ray Reboots and remakes have been all the rage in Hollywood for several years now — name a…
On Tuesday, I read that I’m about to be extinct. I got the word from a chart published on Movie City News, which showed that there were 122 working film…
It is a time of economic turmoil. The markets are going berserk; reacting like the headless chickens we already knew them to be. Our nation faces numerous crises both domestically…
Siskel and Ebert went two thumbs up on Ironweed in 1987, but most other reviewers joined audiences and went thumbs down, way down, on this adaptation of William KennedyÁ¢€â„¢s 1984…
Recently, I went to a local Mexican food establishment to pick up dinner with a friend. This restaurant has a TV mounted to the wall, which is usually tuned to…
A young man named Roary enters a high rise building and takes the elevator to the top floor. Walking through the halls with the confidence of someone who belongs there,…
I recently had the pleasure of watching Darren AronofskyÁ¢€â„¢s film The Wrestler. This was after I wrote my Oscar tirade, though the experience I had in that film has only…
I have to admit, I’ve always been more a fan of B-movie living legend Bruce Campbell‘s personality than I have any of his films. Like most celebrities, there are conflicting…
For the benefit of those who haven’t seen Max Payne yet, but are considering renting the DVD, I’m going to spoil as much of it as possible for you. Why?…
End-of-the-Earth sagas are a staple of horror and sci-fi, but itÁ¢€â„¢s not just genre directors who make them. Filmmakers of all kinds are drawn to doomsday stories, as if they…
There was an episode of televisionÁ¢€â„¢s Friday Night Lights when a new character plays in his first game and forces a game-changing fumble. The lead-up sequence is unabashedly manipulative, as…