College radio staples, The Smithereens and Sneaker Pimps highlight this week of Bottom Feeders.
Sneaker Pimps
3 Articles
1 Min Read
The next evolution of trip hop comes in the form of IAMX which is fitting seeing that mastermind Chris Corner ushered in a similar trend when his former outfit, Sneaker Pimps, paved a new electronic revolution after a void was left by Portishead and Massive Attack. On their most recent Pledgemusic-funded The Unified Field, IAMX expand their range even more to give listeners the feeling that if Dead Can Dance began in 2013, they’d probably sound similar to IAMX. But […]
Ted Asregadoo
1 Min Read
DOWNLOAD THE FULL MIX HERE By the early Á¢€Ëœ90s, there was a real fracturing of the musical landscape when it came to pop music.Á‚ To me, the popularity of rap,…
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