Matt Wardlaw and D.X. Ferris are joined by author Greg Renoff to discuss Van Halen Rising, his popular new book that covers the early years of the legendary group.
Ted Templeman
4 Articles
Scott Malchus
5 Min Read
Greg Renoff’s “Van Halen Rising” charts the early triumphs, mishaps and wildness of the band that saved heavy metal.
Rob Smith
9 Min Read
Remember when Aerosmith’s Music from Another Dimension was supposed to be the band’s return to rockin’ form, a Seventies-style throwback to the groovin’, Stonesy, Yardbirdsy, slap-happy lewdness of Toys and…
Matt Wardlaw
2 Min Read
New albums from a classic band or artist can sometimes be a dodgy proposition. But when I saw the news last year that The Doobie Brothers had a new album…
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