In the age of streaming, does anyone still care about someone else’s top albums list when every album in the known universe is at your fingertips 24/7 (if you have…
The Mynabirds
4 Articles
Keith Creighton
15 Min Read
As 2012 draws to a close, most of the Popdose writers will painstakingly select their top albums, movies and TV shows of the year with all of the drama of…
Keith Creighton
2 Min Read
No matter where you live; no matter how popular or awesome you think you are; no matter how many friends you have on Facebook; you are not safe. Laura Burhenn is…
Jeff Giles
1 Min Read
Wondering why everyone’s talking about the new Mynabirds record lately? Well, wonder no more: the band has debuted the official video for its new single (and the title track to…
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