I was 19 when I first heard The The’s Soul Mining; it was a big album in my social circle. It was a thoughtful, deep, somewhat downcast yet emotionally buoyant…
The The
5 Articles
Ted Asregadoo
1 Min Read
Where were you in 1988? For Popdose’s Ted Asregadoo, it was his college years, and guess what music he’s featuring this week?
Dave Steed
2 Min Read
Dave Steed moves on to the letter T this week, with the Talking Heads, Tesla and the hair metal transformation of Andy Taylor.
David Medsker
4 Min Read
Duran Duran’s “Liberty” turns 20 this year; David Medsker takes a look back at the group’s decline.
Ted Asregadoo
2 Min Read
DOWNLOAD THE FULL MIX HERE A few weeks ago, I took my family down to a train wreck of an event called the Great American Food and Music Festival in…
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