The first installment of AM Gold: 1971 features a fairly diverse range of pop — from the manly swagger of Tom Jones, to the super-cheery pop of Dawn, and finally to the potent realism of Carly Simon. Oh, and a song about drugs. Can’t forget the drugs. This was the ’70s after all.
Tommy James
5 Articles
Jeff Giles and Jason Hare
4 Min Read
Tommy James gives praise to drum machines or Jesus, whichever returneth first
Will Harris
2 Min Read
John Wesley Harding’s sophomore studio album hits the big 2-0 this week, and Wes himself steps into the wayback machine to reflect on his efforts.
Dave Steed
1 Min Read
As I promised, no more Jacksons this week, but we will keep plodding through the letter J as we continue to take a look at songs that reached no higher…
J.A. Bartlett
1 Min Read
February 20, 1980, is a Wednesday. At 12:01AM Eastern time, a deadline passes for the Soviets to withdraw from Afghanistan, which they had invaded the previous December. They do not….
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