You know that an adventure series has really hit its stride when you find yourself enjoying the expository sections — those quiet moments when the characters are just talking —…
young adult fiction
4 Articles
Pete Chianca
2 Min Read
My fellow Gatehouse Media editor Matt Phillion is at it again: ”The Indestructibles: Breakout” (PFP Publishing), his sequel to last spring’s young adult superhero saga ”The Indestructibles,” comes hot on…
1 Comment
Jack Feerick
12 Min Read
It’s been a little more than a week since Slate published a piece that — across your Old Professor’s little corner of the Internet, anyway — touched off a firestorm….
Brian Boone
3 Min Read
Despite being the Frank Lloyd Wright of young-adult fiction (in that she’s the towering, influential force, and the first name that comes to mind for her respective discipline), there has…
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