A Tribe Called Quest – Award Tour (1993) Here’s one I don’t have much to say about, but should still help you get over the hump to your lunch break. Jiminy Christmas, was it really 15 years ago that A Tribe Called Quest released its third album? What the hell happened?
This is the part where someone with more energy would lament the lost promise of the Native Tongues Posse, or cry about Q-Tip’s solo career, or say some snarky things about the state of rap today. But music this good was meant to be celebrated, not lamented. “Award Tour” (download) isn’t my favorite ATCQ song, not by a long shot — and the instrumental mix (download) is pretty pointless — but hey, it’s still A Tribe Called Quest. Plus, dig the added value of having “The Chase, Part II” (download) as a second track on the B-side!
Turn it up, and tell your Kenny Chesney-loving officemates to suck it. There’s nothing wrong with a little bass on a Monday morning, nothing at all.