Make an enormous playlist, hit shuffle, then hit the road. That’s what Rob Smith did; check out what it sounded like in The Vinyl Diaries.
Rob Smith
227 Articles
Rob Smith is a writer, teacher, wage earner, and all-around evil genius who spends most of his time holed up in his cluttered compound in central PA. His favorite color is ultramarine blue. His imaginary band The Dukes of Rexmont tours every summer.
“The Vinyl Diaries” names a handful of great records unavailable on vinyl and begs for their reissue.
What do you do with thousands of copies of Bonnie Raitt’s ‘Nick of Time’? Find out in ‘The Vinyl Diaries.’
Sad songs say so much, and World Party’s “And I Fell Back Alone” is an exquisite example, as we find in “The Vinyl Diaries.”
Slow dancing in the basement … a look back at a pivotal adolescent moment, 40 years on, in “The Vinyl Diaries.”
‘The Vinyl Diaries’ begin anew, with a tale of finding new music, followed by more discussion of new music, and a playlist with samples from that discussion.
Rob Smith celebrates the return of singer/songwriter Kasey Anderson from his trouble with the law and mental health issues.
Rob Smith reflects on the death of Kendrick Castillo, and why it hits close to home.
Rob Smith bids farewell to an old friend in his “VInyl Diaries.”
Rob Smith thanks one of the great voices of his youth in the new “Vinyl Diaries.”
Rob Smith reviews recent music from elder statesmen Ian Hunter and Willie Nelson in “The Vinyl Diaries.”
Rob Smith wakes up from a long, propofol-induced slumber to discuss some fine 2016 music in “The Vinyl Diaries.”
Toasting a great bartender, too soon gone, in The Vinyl Diaries.
Rob Smith explores Jackson Browne’s three finest albums in “The Vinyl Diaries.”
Rob Smith reviews sounds that sustained him in 2015, in his new “Vinyl Diaries.”
Rob Smith explores the expansive live box set by electric jazz pioneers Weather Report.
Rob Smith remembers his father, in his new “Vinyl Diaries” column.
Rob Smith reviews the new Shelby Lynne album, a slice of southern country/soul deserving of a large audience.
Rob Smith explores some fine 2014 vinyl releases.
Popdose is giving away R.E.M.’s new vinyl box set, ”7IN — 83-88″!
Rob Smith pens a love letter to indie record stores, and the “American Hustle” soundtrack.
Popdose gives away the greatest t-shirt ever, and a copy of Neil Diamond’s new CD.
If you dig Seventies music, you’ll dig the massive DVD box set celebrating “The Midnight Special.” Rob Smith reviews.
Popdose is giving away “The Beatles in Mono” vinyl box set!
Popdose gives away a copy of The Midnight Special 11-DVD Collector’s Edition!
“The Vinyl Diaries” and Popdose GIVEAWAY: Allman Brothers’s new box set!
Americana gets a great new voice in the debut record by Hook & Anchor