Just because it’s not even close to Valentine’s Day doesn’t mean you should pass up the opportunity to tell someone special to you how much you care about them. But man, the typical store-bought greeting card just feels so generic and impersonal. And forget those blank cards with the cute pictures on the front. I’m already paying the card company to express my feelings for me, so screw the creative writing assignment.
There’s got to be some middle ground here, and I think I have it — the Kiss Kard. Think about it. Kiss has been wooing the ladies with their stage spectacles and killer riffs for 40 years, and in the process earned a reputation as lotharios. But I know they’re really just big old softies at heart.
So for you, the lovestruck fool who has been searching for how to say “I love you” in the most creative and romantic way possible, I offer ten vintage Kiss lyrics in the form of heartfelt greeting cards. Get ready to rock and roll all night, and cuddle every day!