Radio City With Jon Grayson & Rob Ross: Episode Two Hundred Two
Recorded a little while ago, this episode is still as topical and necessary as they all are; Jon having just got over illness, the boys talk about the need for vacation (especially after the last two years); the ongoing crime situation in New York City not having changed; Rob discusses reconnecting with one of his former bandmates and how it feels to no longer be in a band; the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine; the tribulations of the New York Mets’ pre-season; the new release from Django Haskins (Beforetimes 1); Jon dissects his joyful re-viewing of the Muscle Shoals documentary; a warm remembrance about what being in a band like and one of the most clever “In Our Heads” segments.
Completely on form, this episode of Radio City… is one you’ll really enjoy immersing yourself in.
Radio City With Jon Grayson & Rob Ross: Episode Two Hundred Two
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