This is one of the most ‘80s show I’ve ever done, which is saying something.
David Medsker
329 Articles
David Medsker used to be "with it." But then they changed what "it" was. Now what he's "with" isn't "it," and what's "it" seems weird and scary to him. He is available for children's parties.
“No matter what you put me through, I’ll still believe in love.”
Seeing someone from the metal community pay respect to the Pet Shop Boys is a glorious thing.
“As Nina Simone once said, ‘It’s the duty of every artist to reflect the times they live in,’ and that’s all I’ve tried to do through all my records.”
“The record company back in the ‘80s used to say to us, ‘Can you guys decide whether you’re Stockhausen or ABBA?’ And we’re like, ‘Can’t we be both?’”
“It’s the devil I love, and that’s as funny as real love. And that’s as real as true love.”
“I remember when I was a kid reading a headline in the paper and my dad’s saying, ‘The Rolling Stones are going to do a gig. They’re all in their thirties! Ridiculous!'”
Stop me if you think I’ve done this one before. Because I have.
Let me take you on a trip…where I don’t play that song.
“The answer to 90% of all questions is money.” – My friend Karen
“Writing Christian pop is easy. Instead of saying ‘baby,’ you say ‘Jesus.’” – Nik Kershaw
Billy Joel deserves every second of what I do to him here.
No one is putting on Steve McQueen and skipping to “When the Angels.”
Features Love Spit Love, Muse, The Smiths, Pulp, and more May I say once again that I have great respect for anyone who has a radio show with a schedule…
Gary Numan was the inspiration for this show, which means David Bowie probably would have hated it.
This idea started where all good ideas start: in the shower.
Hello! Goodbye. Welcome! Hey. Goodnight. Bye! That’s it, that’s the show.
This show idea is slightly younger than my youngest child. Who’s in middle school.
“Hey, before you record, are we allowed to curse?”