The show must go on. Scraps may be temporarily out of action, but the rest of the Popdose staff is picking up the slack and carrying on with Name That…
David Medsker
328 Articles
David Medsker used to be "with it." But then they changed what "it" was. Now what he's "with" isn't "it," and what's "it" seems weird and scary to him. He is available for children's parties.
Or, White Label Wednesday, Before They Were Stars Edition Underworld would like you believe that they were immaculately conceived in 1994 as the spooky techno band that Á¢€Å“debutedÁ¢€ with dubnobasswithmyheadman,…
Did you find last weekÁ¢€â„¢s quiz physically exhausting? Get it, physical, Á¢€Ëœcause I used Olivia Newton-John? God, those puns just write themselves, donÁ¢€â„¢t they? My friend Sid would punch me…
Á¢€Å“I dooooooonÁ¢€â„¢t wanna be old, and sleep alone / An empty house is not a home.Á¢€ The back half of that line is pure cliche, but that is the beauty…
Note: due to frequent scheduling conflicts involving its creator being unable to monitor his own game (his day job keeps getting in the way, sucker), Cover Me is moving from…
Everyone seemed to have so much fun jumping into the wayback machine with Nicolette Larson Á¢€” and really, who wouldnÁ¢€â„¢t want to jump into a wayback machine with Nicolette Larson?…
Man your battlestations, itÁ¢€â„¢s time for another quiz. No clue for this weekÁ¢€â„¢s puzzle, as you guys are far too good at this already. Below are magnified fragments of 25…
Yep, another Duran Duran post from Popdose’s resident DD fanboy (or Durannie, as we were once called). Between this, my White Label post on “Hold Back the Rain,” and John…
Are these quizzes still bringing on the heartbreak, or is this the time you show that youÁ¢€â„¢re for real? Or did I just give you a clue to one of…
I’ve never been a big fan of Neil Young — I’ll just say it, itÁ¢€â„¢s that pinched voice of his — but I will admit to liking several of his…
Okay, last week was just too easy. Time to spice things up a bit. Below are magnified fragments of 25 album covers. Most of them are well-known albums, but there…
My girlfriend Kim (a.k.a. College Ex #2) hated this song from the start. I can’t say I blame her, really. Not because the song is bad or anything Á¢€” au…
Was last weekÁ¢€â„¢s quiz one born of frustration? Sorry, sometimes I just canÁ¢€â„¢t help it. Did I just give you a clue to one of the album covers in this…
Á¢€Å“Awwwww, yeah! I see a real woman, I need to grab her, she busts out yodelinÁ¢€â„¢Á¢€¦Á¢€ There is just no better way to open a song than that. In 1988,…
You guys are way too good at this. Fortunately for you, I had already created a bunch of these quizzes before I realized how quickly you’d pick them off. When…
Pull out the headphones for this one, kids. Otherwise, you laptop toters will hear nothing until the 19-second mark. I wonder if a label would even allow a song like…
Hey, you! DonÁ¢€â„¢t watch that, watch this! Ah, but you knew that already, didn’t you? Am I going soft on you? I’ll never tell, but if you’re wise, you’ll check…
Imagine my surprise when I visited my then-girlfriend Á¢€” anyone who read my ValentineÁ¢€â„¢s Day piece knows her well Á¢€” over Christmas break in 1992, and in her car was…
Yeaaaaaaaaah, we’re stereotypes, there must be more to life. Do I have your number? Or did I just give you a clue to one of the album covers in this…
The public, by and large, did not respond well to George Michael’s first attempt at career suicide — he’s since found far more effective methods for achieving that goal, and…
Welcome back, my friends, to the show that never endsÁ¢€¦well, I suppose it will end, as soon as I run out of ideas for album covers, but letÁ¢€â„¢s not think…
Hope you’re not wearing anything too fancy, because we’re about to get dirty. Bill Drummond and Jimmy Caulty have about as many aliases as Alain Jourgenson. As the Timelords, they…
(NOTE: Name That Tune will return next week at its usual time. ‘Til then, please enjoy this sneak peek at David Medsker’s Cover Me, a new feature that will be…
Kate Bush’s watershed moment is and always will be 1985’s Hounds of Love, and rightly so, but this week we focus on a song from The Sensual World, the follow-up…
Ah, the re-remix. Knives out, everyone. There are two schools of thought on the subject of unearthing a track for a modern-day update. There are those who are turned off…
Let us take a quick trip back to the land of Cutouts Gone Wild! and unearth a song that was heard by roughly 17 people upon its release in 1989….
Boing-ga-boing-ga-boing-boing, snap! Now that is a hook, bitches. For a long time, the name Stephen Duffy was nothing more to me than the answer to a trivia question about who…
Welcome to the latest Popdose column to address our overall lack of self-esteem, Mope Like Me. White Label Wednesday fans, fear not — that column is still alive and well…
Are you ready to rock?! Wait, no, thatÁ¢€™s not right, let me try that againÁ¢€¦are you ready for some melodic rock?! The whole reclassification of early Á¢€Ëœ80s arena rock as…
ScoutÁ¢€™s honor, I had no idea this mix even existed until a few months ago, when it popped up on an Á¢€Ëœ80s remix message board I frequent. Always a big…