The Lost Dogs emerge with a vintage concert for the DVD release, It Came From The Basement.
Dw. Dunphy
924 Articles
Dw. Dunphy is a writer, artist, and musician. For Popdose he has contributed many articles that can be found in the site's archives. He also writes for New Jersey Stage,, Ultimate Classic Rock, and Diffuser FM. His music can be found at
Robert Pollard has yet another band. This one’s called Guided By Voices.
Joe McGinness’ scandalous expose of Tea Party cheerleader Sarah Palin gives her a most unlikely gift.
Fall is coming so get happy, dammit. Here’s a mix to help you along.
Naomi Watts grinding? Dennis Hopper huffing? David Lynch jamming? Doesn’t sound so strange now, does it?
Real people died on 9-11 and in the aftermath. Why can’t the media respect the privacy of its mourners, columnist Dw. Dunphy wonders.
Dr. House Sings! Popdose pulls out the Wagner Johnson Downey Scale to weigh the results.
America’s latest is a covers album which is titled after a Bob Dylan song. If this sounds intriguing to you, read on.
Alice Cooper returns to the rock and roll insane asylum…or does he? Popdose investigates.
Popdose and Kirkus Reviews look over one of Marvel’s most gimmicky and, in some ways, beloved characters.
Wilco’s back with a new label and everything. Check out “I Might” at Popdose.
Porcupine Tree frontman presents a new tune from second solo, Grace For Drowning.
From Dream Theater’s forthcoming A Dramatic Turn Of Events comes “On The Backs Of Angels”
From their latest, The Olympus Sound, comes this new track from Irish pure-popsters Pugwash.
Just when they were getting into it, DC loses The Spirit. asks, who told Pinataland they were allowed to make a fun folk-pop record?’s review of Primus’ Green Naugahyde finds a portrait of the artists as grown men.
If it is a positive review, why does Dw. Dunphy sound so down about Marillion’s “Live From Cadogan Hall”?
Popdose reviews the Rocketeer Adventures mini-series. Popdose reviews the Rocketeer Adventures mini-series. Popdose reviews the Rocketeer Adventures mini-series. (Notice a pattern?)
Thoughts On A Hostage Crisis: Think a US default won’t affect you directly and immediately? Think again.
Popdose and Kirkus Reviews team up for the latest travelog from Rush drummer Neil Peart.
There was a lot of music in 2001-2010. Popdose looks at Gary Wien’s book, Are You Listening? which attempts to make sense of it all. delves into “Walk Away Renee” to discuss that rare bird, the unrequited love song. takes a hard right and checks out the free jazz/prog-rock mutant Secret Curve from Ron Anderson’s PAK.