One of the initial comments I received the on first Á¢€Å“Redeeming RodÁ¢€ guessed the subject matter of this post, so I guess I can take relief in the existence of…
Matthew Bolin
63 Articles
Matthew Bolin discovered popular music could be a good thing at age 13. During a field trip to a local college library, he found Rolling Stone's "100 Best Albums, 1967-1987" issue, and a great and glorious world opened up. In the years since, Rolling Stone has shrunk, but Matthew has moved up in the world, and will eventually claim his title as "America's Librarian" sometime in the next decade.
Welcome to the first in a series of posts designed to promote the music of Rod Stewart from the 1980s and onward. We begin by….Wait….where are you going?
Note from Jason: Today, we begin the first installment of four very special Chart Attack! posts, graciously contributed to us by unbelievably talented writers. Today’s entry is written by Mr….