This is an amazing moment; a new single from one of our greatest songwriters/musicians/singers. A heartbreakingly powerful track and video to go along with it. Popdose is very proud to…
Music Videos
4 Articles
Popdose Staff
6 Min Read
A critical look at a critical look at the history of the music video.
Matthew Bolin
1 Min Read
There come times in the pop culture universe where an item is so solidly packed with cheese, befuddlement, and WTF? moments that it falls in upon itself, spiraling into a…
Taylor Long
1 Min Read
Cursive, “From The Hips” (download) [kml_flashembed movie=”” width=”425″ height=”350″ wmode=”transparent” /] “From the Hips” is one of the tracks that most echoes the band’s earliest sentiments on their excellent new…
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