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Editor-in-Chief/Cofounder: Jeff Giles | archived posts
Editor-at-Large/Cofounder: Jason Hare | archived posts

Robin Monica Alexander (Random Play) | archived posts
Arend Anton (The Bigger Picture) | archived posts
Ted Asregadoo (Mix Six, Pop Politico) | archived posts
Johnny Bacardi (Confessions of a Comics Shop Junkie) | archived posts
Jonny Balfus (Keep It to Yourself) | archived posts
J.A. Bartlett (One Day in Your Life) | archived posts
Lance Berry [1966-2009] (film reviews) | archived posts
Matthew Bolin (When Good Albums Happen to Bad People) | archived posts
Brian Boone (Greatest Un-Hits) | archived posts
Bob Cashill (No Concessions, Exit Lines) | archived posts
Robert Cass (Sugar Water, Bootleg City) | archived posts
Scott Cederlund (comic-book reviews) | archived posts
Peter Chakerian (21st Century Digital Boy) | archived posts
Pete Chianca (Farkakte Film Flashback) | archived posts
Keith Creighton (Gender Nation X) | archived posts
Jon Cummings (Political Culture) | archived posts
DJ D (Future Retro) | archived posts
Zack Dennis (Motion Picture Soundtrack, sports features) | archived posts
Rich DeWester (video-game reviews) | archived posts
Dw. Dunphy (Dw. Dunphy On…) | archived posts
Mike Duquette (Wandering the Aisles) | archived posts
Jack Feerick (How Bad Can It Be?) | archived posts
Terje Fjelde (Into the Ear of Madness, site artwork) | archived posts
Mojo Flucke, Ph.D. (Mojo’s Cold Shot, Lo-Fi Mojo) | archived posts
Michael Fortes (Parlour to Parlour) | archived posts
Will Harris (Hooks ‘N’ You) | archived posts
Mike Heyliger (Jheri Curl Fridays, album reviews) | archived posts
Chris Holmes (Beyond the Wonder) | archived posts
John C. Hughes (Lost in the ’70s/’80s/’90s) | archived posts
Jeff Johnson (Revival House) | archived posts
Dave Lifton (The Popdose Podcast) | archived posts
Ann Logue (Numberscruncher) | archived posts
Taylor Long (concert reviews) | archived posts
Scott Malchus (Basement Songs) | archived posts
David Medsker (White Label Wednesday, Dizzy Heights podcast) | archived posts
Mick Martin (Extra Medium) | archived posts
Ed Murray (Lo-Fi Mojo, reviews) | archived posts
Michael Parr (The Friday Five) | archived posts
Tony Redman (Way Out Wednesday) | archived posts
Emilia Rhodes (TV reviews) | archived posts
Darren Robbins (music features) | archived posts
Rob Ross (Radio City With Jon Grayson & Rob Ross podcast) | archived posts
Michael Sarko (TV and film reviews) | archived posts
Scraps (Name That Tune) | archived posts
Ken Shane [1951-2022] (Soul Serenade) | archived posts
Rob Smith (Death by Power Ballad, Rob Smith Can’t Say No) | archived posts
Matt Springer (Springsteen’s Spare Parts) | archived posts
Dave Steed (Bottom Feeders, This Week in Badass) | archived posts
Kelly Stitzel (Soundtrack Saturday) | archived posts
Jeff Vrabel (The Steel Horse Archives) | archived posts
Matt Wardlaw (Ticket Stub) | archived posts
Dan Wiencek (Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah) | archived posts
Ben Wiser (Test of the Boomerang, The Chronicles of DOOM) | archived posts