Radio City With Jon Grayson & Rob Ross:  Episode One Hundred Forty Nine

In an attempt to bring things back into focus and normalcy after four very trying weeks of the necessary “shelter-at-home”, Rob and Jon try to put a rational spin back on life, during this installment of Radio City….

Among the topics at hand are the disastrous daily press “briefings” held by Donald Trump; the opposite, brilliantly soothing and informative updates by New York State Governor, Andrew Cuomo; the end of the Bernie Sanders campaign and the solidification of endorsements for Joe Biden as the Democratic party’s nominee for President; a look at what may happen with professional sports in the aftermath of the coronavirus, plus (of course) “In Our Heads” and even more.

The pandemic has upended the world; let Jon and Rob bring you back to solid, calming ground with Radio City….

Radio City With Jon Grayson & Rob Ross:  Episode One Hundred Forty Nine

The podcast will be on the site as well as for subscription via iTunes and other podcast aggregators. Subscribe and let people know about Radio City, as well as Popdose’s other great podcasts David Medsker’s Dizzy Heights and In:Sound with Michael Parr and Zack Stiegler.

About the Author

Rob Ross

Rob Ross has been, for good, bad or indifferent, involved in the music industry for over 30 years - first as guitarist/singer/songwriter with The Punch Line, then as freelance journalist, producer and manager to working for independent and major record labels. He resides in Staten Island, New York with his wife and cats; he works out a lot, reads voraciously, loves Big Star and his orange Gretsch. Doesn't that make him neat?

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