Song for the Soundtrack of Your Date Tonight
When he’s lovin’ on her. Those are the only reasons a man should have his hands on a woman’s body. Otherwise keep your hands out of her pants, her love live, healthcare, future. Love a woman for who she is and what she’s overcome. Love a woman because she makes you laugh and because she’s flawed. Because she checks on your wellbeing before hers. Love a woman because her heart is with you when she’s not. Love her because your return on investment is far greater than anything outta Wall Street. If she wants to bring home the bacon and fry it up in a pan, let her. Love her. Need her. Stand by her, man.
[Wilco, ”I’m the Man Who Loves You” Yankee Hotel Foxtrot, 2002]
Song for the Soundtrack of Your No Date Tonight
Wiggle free of the shackles. Kick off the feelings that weigh you down. Chew your leg out of the trap if you have to. A heavy heart obscures the light. Fight for your light. Party. Throw your hands in the air like you don’t care. Then stop and stare at what you’ve left behind. Probably wasn’t much meat on the bone to begin with. Get yourself a fresh piece.
[Brian Ferry, ”Slave to Love” Boys and Girls, 1985]