Scott Malchus takes a look at Steve Grand and his viral video hit.
gay marriage
The president’s support for gay marriage opens a new front in his battle for re-election — but its historical importance will reverberate far longer.
Now is the summer of our discontent … arriving on the heels of a spring, winter, autumn and previous summer that roiled in similar fashion. Americans, it seems, have declared…
One of them reached the grandest stage in her profession by virtue of her charm and very-good looks, only to be judged harshly upon that stage for her ignorance and…
Any time now Á¢€” maybe even during the too-few moments between my pressing Á¢€Å“submitÁ¢€ and this column going live Á¢€” President Obama is going to announce his appointee to replace…
It may be that only an event like this could have propped up that downward-spiraling phenomenon, the beauty pageant: An out-and-proud celebrity gossip-monger asking a comely Californian how she feels…
Have right-wing evangelicals won their last battle? Maybe not, but Jon Cummings thinks it’ll take them more than three days to resurrect their political fortunes.
Á¢€Å“Eighty percent of success in life is just showing up.Á¢€ Á¢€” Woody Allen For a few years there Á¢€” as George Bush “won” a pair of shady elections and then…
I didnÁ¢€â„¢t cry for an hour and a half. I watched dozens of other people weep and shout and wail and fling themselves to the floor with happiness; I watched…
On Tuesday, citizens of California will have an opportunity to place our indelible stamp on the forward progress of civil rights in the United States. IÁ¢€â„¢m not talking about the…
Last week, Republicans half a world apart (in more ways than one) showed us the difference between rational, reasoned political thought and unthinking absolutism. In Israel, on the 60th anniversary…