If our monsters are reflective of who we are as a culture, our continued attraction to zombies says very scary things about us today.
George Romero
5 Articles
Dw. Dunphy
2 Min Read
Revered horror comics artist passes due to complications of cancer.
Brian Boone
3 Min Read
Horror movies derive most of their power and enjoyment (you sicko) from a combination of novelty and surprise.The novelty: how the filmmakers will have this particular bad guy stalk and…
Scott Malchus
6 Min Read
Last year I began to reevaluate my life (that happens when you turn 40) and the pursuit of the dream I had as a boy. What was it about those movies that captured my heart? Was it the movies themselves? Was it the people I was with? Was it some thematic element that I associated with? More importantly, could I ever go back to that place again?
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