Bob Cashill says movies weren’t just a laughing matter for the director of “Breakfast at Tiffany’s,” “The Pink Panther,” and “Victor Victoria.”
Tis the season for awards, nominations, and citations. As he makes his own list Bob Cashill separates the naughty (“Black Swan”) from the nice, including an uncloseted Jim Carrey.
Happy holidays, David Bowie…and to all a good last-day sale as Barnes and Noble’s Criterion Collection blowout winds down. Bob Cashill sifts recent releases.
“No one cry when Jaws die. But when the monkey die, people gonna cry.” Film Editor Bob Cashill rewinds the hits and misses of the legendary Dino De Laurentiis.
Rachel McAdams calls Popdose headquarters to find out what Bob Cashill thought of Morning Glory. He gives her the good and “bang” news.
Film Editor Bob Cashill appreciates the life and legacy of the two-time Oscar nominee, a personal favorite gone too soon.
Bob Cashill takes aim at The Girl Who Played with Fire on DVD, plus, in theaters, the western Red Hill and the mysterious Amer.
A status update on The Social Network tags the Wall Street sequel and Inside Job. But the sensitive may want to defriend the horrific Red White & Blue.
Let Me In is a bloody good translation of the Swedish vampire classic, while on DVD Russell Brand disturbs the peace in a different way in the comedy Get Him to the Greek.
Liza Minnelli has a new CD, titled Confessions. There’s a lot to confess regarding her film and TV career–and cause for celebration, too.
Hi ho, hi ho, it’s off to DVD we go with the animated “Black Cauldron” from yesteryear and today’s CGI-filled “Prince of Persia.”
Two years ago I took a friend to see the acclaimed Broadway revival of The Seagull, starring Kristin Scott Thomas. At intermission we got to talking about some of the…
Was this the worst summer ever for movies? Depends on whom you ask. One acquaintance said 2000 was the low point, and stuck to it even when I threw out…
The Tillman Story is an outstanding story of heroism—not, however, the one you were told. Or rather, sold. You remember the official story. How in the wake of 9/11 Tillman,…
We’ve collected our top 10 favorite movies that are guaranteed to kick your ass. Bring your large soda and popcorn along as we count them down.
There’s an upside and a downside to writing about a movie like Inception after it’s been in release for several weeks. The advantage, for me, is that you may very…
As No Concessions heads off to the wilds of Wisconsin, land of Leinenkugels and cheese curds, for its annual constitutional a word must be said about Predators. The other week…
Once again Popdose didn’t send me to Cannes, and I imagine Toronto, Venice, and Telluride are off my itinerary. (If you think it should, start a Facebook campaign, or Twitter….
”Someone explain to me why everyone believes in an impending zombie apocalypse,” requested George A. Romero of the crowd gathered to meet him at a recent sold-out screening of his…
Is ”I didn’t mind it too much” sufficient criticism of a $200 million dollar behemoth? Probably not for the front office, which demand that we be a little more forthcoming…
Last week, Hit Girl. This week, Hit Pensioner, as Michael Caine mows ’em down as Harry Brown. This is familiar territory for Caine, whose nasty gangland thriller Get Carter still…
With January and February showing signs of life over the last two years April is now the pre-summer season dumping ground for the also-rans, the never-weres, and The Losers. Furry…
He’s 40 going on 41. Coming off a breakdown. Underemployed, perhaps unemployable. Convinced in the absolute rightness of his convictions and the utter wrongness of yours. Believes wholeheartedly in Dorothy…
Note to self: Sentiment outranks everything else when picking a Best Foreign Language Film winner in the Oscar pool. I’m not-so-secretly pleased that the stone-cold, auteurist-approved White Ribbon didn’t blue-ribbon…
The Forbidden Kingdom (2008) paired Jackie Chan and Jet Li in the nick of time. Two years later 55-year-old Chan is playing the Mr. Miyagi part in the Karate Kid…
Almost three years ago to the day I posted on my blog an open letter to my long-time crush object Sandra Bullock. The news was not good. Read on… Dear…
”Film culture today,” I muttered, as I waded through (and into) an unusually bothersome post on the usually half-annoying (but compulsively readable) Hollywood Elsewhere site. Look: It’s OK not to…
If the Oscars are truly serious about slimming down the Academy should just mail Christoph Waltz and Mo’Nique their supporting performer awards. Or hand them over at next Tuesday’s nominations…
Giant insects were all the rage in the nuclear-obsessed 50s—the king-sized ants of Them! (1954) led to an all-out assault of creepy-crawlies, with Tarantula (1955), The Black Scorpion (1957), The…
It took me a while to get around to seeing Avatar. One reason for that, also coincidentally one of the reasons I have been a pretty lazy contributor to Popdose…