We’re all driving up to that same rest stop. Seeing those who aren’t going back out on the road ever again is inevitable.
Paul Kantner
In Popdose’s newest reoccurring feature, that wacky decade of the ’70s is examined, and our commentators wonder how we ever recovered.
Rob Smith finds a new power ballad masterpiece from Cathy Richardson and the Macrodots, in this week’s “Death by Power Ballad.”
How could Mickey Thomas get away with adultery? Quite slickly, apparently, as Popdose’s Rob Smith explores in his Death by Power Ballad column on Jefferson Starship’s “No Way Out.”
Hungering for an alternate reality in which Mickey Thomas is clubbed to death by Grace Slick, CAPTAIN VIDEO! is back from the 1980th Dimension!
To quote Richard M. Nixon (it seems appropriate for the era), “let me make one thing perfectly clear” — There is no Jefferson Airplane without singer Marty Balin, anymore than…