Despite hailing from Spain, Stormy Mondays have completed some ultra-American milestones: sharing a mic with Bruce Springsteen (in New Jersey, no less), playing at one incarnation of the Woodstock festival,…
If you’ve been looking for some new sounds featuring kick ass heavy fuzzed out guitars, look no further and wrap your ears around the music of RavenEye, a new power…
Music from Delta Rae, Led Zeppelin, Fiction Family, and Slash
Axl Rose sent a (no) thank you card to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, and the Popdose staff couldn’t help but analyze it.
A Guns N’ Roses live album is probably never going to happen. Axl and Slash hate each other, and even if they say that there’s gonna be a Guns N’…
Thirteen versions of “Sweet Child O’ Mine?” Must be Thanksgiving!
What happens when pop culture forces collide, and why do they almost always suck? Matt Wardlaw, Michael Parr, and Dave Lifton discuss it on the Popdose Podcast!
We made a list of our favorite guitarists of all time, and this week, we count down from 35 to 21. Did your favorite make the list?
The interview is set for 2:00 PM. At a quarter Á¢€Ëœtil, the black hat, cascading curls, and nose ring saunter through the management officeÁ¢€â„¢s front doors. The receptionist raises eyes…
As of this writing it is the wrinkly end to the middle of March (the 21st, for those who hate metaphor) and rumor and tempers are rumbling in the camp…