Rob Smith reviews sounds that sustained him in 2015, in his new “Vinyl Diaries.”
4 Articles
Michael Parr
1 Min Read
Friday Five : |ˈfrÄ«dÄ – fÄ«v| : On the sixth day of every week, I hit the shuffle button in iTunes and share the first five tracks and thought for…
Rob Smith
1 Min Read
Fall into a Memory Lane pothole of Nineties goodness, in the Popdose Weekly Mixtape.
Rob Smith
1 Min Read
“Favorite Zeroes” Á¢€Å“Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music.Á¢€Á¢€”Sergei Rachmaninov Á¢€Å“Music and rhythm find their way into the secret places of the soul.Á¢€Á¢€”Plato…
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