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228 Articles
1 Min Read

Well, my Pens lost today. Mostly through a third period meltdown that saw them racking up the penalties and impotently trying to survive shorthanded again and again. It was a frustrating way to lose, and in all honesty, I’m a little bit bummed out now, even though I have zero personal stake in the game. It’s a question that comes up inevitably for all of us sports fans, when our team chokes and we spin into a brief, morose sadness: […]

1 Min Read

We’re a week into the new, short season of the NHL, but that didn’t stop fearless hockey fans Jay and Stephen from making a lot of rash judgments (Stephen more than Jay)! Should you give up on your team already? We’ll tell you now! Jay: So we’re not quite a week into the 2013 (I refuse to say 2012-13) NHL season? What are your thoughts? Stephen: So far, so good! There has been a lot of balance among teams so […]