This is why we can’t have nice things.
The Buggles
6 Articles
Dw. Dunphy
4 Min Read
In the 1980s prog was becoming accessible and pop was kinda becoming prog.
Popdose Staff
35 Min Read
Welcome to OMG!, our brand-new roundtable series, where a gathering of your favorite Popdose writers (and, um, Jack Feerick) come together to spout ill-considered opinions about our pop-music heritage! When…
Dw. Dunphy
1 Min Read
The second installment of Dw. Dunphy’s countdown includes three-lettered prog legends like Yes, ELP, and…XTC?
John C. Hughes
1 Min Read
This week John C. Hughes has prepared a special edition of Lost in the ’80s for all you zombies. Are you ready for the top 15 new-wave songs … ever?!?
Scott Malchus
2 Min Read
In 1982, the rock supergroup Asia kept my interest long enough to make me seek out previous work by the band members. This led me to the band Yes, and…
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